Questo articolo non è ancora stato tradotto in italiano, ecco la versione in inglese:
[lang_all]This past year was very satisfying in terms of great reviews and appearances on many important music magazines or websites. Long Song is just a small label that struggles to produce interesting and different music, and we’re glad that our efforts are more and more noticed by the international and Italian press. Thanks first of all to all the amazing artists that recorded and worked with us.
These are the most remarkable achievements we got, in no particular order (you can find most of them under the individual CD’s pages on the site):
- “Dandelions on Fire” gathered more or less 15 fantastic reviews on most of the best Italian rock magazines and websites (including Rolling Stone, il Mucchio Selvaggio, Buscadero, Rockerilla..) and on some of the most prestigious international ones (The Wire, Signal to Noise…). Some critics included it in their personal 2008 top ten.
- Nicola Cipani’s “The Ill-tempered Piano” was welcomed by many magazines as one of the most clever and totally intriguing debuts of the year. The words spent about it are probably the best ever said about a Long Song release. Some journalists included it among their personal 2008 top ten.
- Downtown Music Gallery guru and owner Bruce Lee Gallanter included “Technicolor” and “Rings Of Fire” among his “best 101 records of 2008” list
- Technicolor was another massive critical success, appearing on both rock and jazz magazines and confirming that we are doing a great job in moving between these two our favourite styles of ours.
- “Craig Green + David King” cover was chosen, in a limited group of 5 titles, by All About Jazz New York for best artwork. Elena Raffa did it. Elena is an amazing graphic designer and has done or contributed to many Long Song covers so far: Dandeions, Technicolor, Rings of Fire.
- We entered the Downbeat critics poll!! Incredible to say, but Plays Monk, without almost any concert or promotional events during 2008, ranked at number 10 out of 12 in the acoustic group rising star section. This is really something!
We hope 2009 will be even better. Thaks to everybody for the support. [/lang_all]